WCC Serves - July 21

July 21, 2019 - 9:30am | WCC Serves - July 21
Please join us for our WCC Serves opportunity on July 21!  We'll be taking a Sunday off of our regular service at church in order to go out into our community to serve people in the name of Jesus!

Take a look at the options below and choose one serving opportunity where you'd like to participate.  We'll meet at church at 9:30am together, then disburse out to our serving places for the morning.  We encourage you and the group you serve with to take time to touch base afterward and discuss and identify where you saw God at work!  Have lunch together if you can!  Childcare not provided; we encourage families to serve together!

If you have questions, please note those in the form and someone will respond.  Thanks for participating!
Serving Options:

Option 1:  Fleece Tie Blankets - We will be making fleece tie blankets here at the church to be delivered to an organization called "My Very Own Bed" that puts together bed kits for families who cannot afford them. (Please bring your own blanket to tie if you are able and your best pair of fabric scissors.)  WCC will also supply some blankets if necessary.

Option 2:  Refugee Family Work Day - We will be working with our most recent refugee family (led by Krista Nygren and Jeff Gumbusky). Volunteers will go to their neighborhood to connect and help clean up the apartment complex grounds. We also hope to provide bikes for the kids in the family.  Wear clothes to work in and bring work gloves.  If you desire to donate toward the bikes, give cash to Jeff Gumbusky, Jason or Krista Nygren or Jim or Liz Nygren, or a check in the offering plate with 'WCC Serves" in the memo line.

Option 3:  Super Sunday Bingo at Oak Ridge Assisted Living in Hastings - We will be playing Bingo and helping the residents through the games.  Please bring a $5 or $10 Walmart gift card if you are able which will be used as prizes for the games.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


July 21, 2019 - 9:30am
WCC Serves - July 21